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<Electronics Engineering>

<B.Tech 1st Year>

<IIT BHU(Varanasi)>


Hello everyone!! well you might get some idea that what I am currently doing from above.So,basically I am a passionate and dedicated individual hailing from Vaishali, Bihar. Currently pursuing my studies at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) BHU in Varanasi, I am a driven and enthusiastic learner with a keen interest in solving real-life problems.I constantly strive to expand my knowledge and skills. Coding is my true passion, and I find great joy in harnessing the power of technology to create innovative solutions. Whether it's tackling complex algorithms or developing user-friendly applications, I enjoy the challenges that programming presents. As I continue my journey, I aspire to contribute to the field of software development and become a catalyst for change. I am eager to explore new frontiers, learn from industry professionals, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to create meaningful solutions.


I have a deep love for coding and programming. It's not just a skill for me; it's a creative outlet that allows me to bring ideas to life and make a positive impact through technology.I enjoy staying updated with the latest advancements in the field of computer science and am always eager to expand my knowledge and skills. I find great joy in exploring new technologies, experimenting with emerging trends, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.Whether it's through reading, attending workshops, or seeking mentorship, I am constantly striving to enhance my skills and broaden my perspectives. I am deeply passionate about web development and enjoy creating user-friendly, visually appealing, and interactive websites. From front-end design to back-end functionality, I take pride in crafting seamless web experiences. I have some basic knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and carrying forward with it.Also want to learn back-end technologies.


One of my notable projects is the URL Shortener, where I successfully built a web application that transforms long URLs into shorter, more manageable ones. Leveraging technologies such as Express, MongoDB, Node.js, and EJS for the views, I gained valuable insights into working with databases and effectively utilizing tools like MongoDB Compass. This project allowed me to strengthen my foundation in web development, and I became proficient in utilizing the shortid package for URL shortening functionality. The process of developing the URL Shortener also exposed me to various aspects of web development, including back-end programming, server-side rendering, and implementing responsive design principles.Through this project, I have acquired some basic understanding of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with back-end development using Node.js and keeping databases using MongoDB Compass.You can look after my project repo on my Github profile: SHORT URLS